Sunday 18 April 2010

Breaking into final year with a mini project on signage for the LRC

Within this project we had to create signage for the LRC in our University's library. My final idea was a theme of jigsaw signage. Jigsaws requires the assembly of numerous small interlocking pieces, in the way the LRC combines journals, books, computers, careers, study and slide rooms together. I wanted also to create a lot of speculation and colour to my signage. I wanted the audience to engage and interact with certain objects. In my development work I wanted to create 3d jigsaw shapes into seating areas for the LRC.

In some areas I will have 3d jigsaw stands coming out of the walls, on these stands their is an option of displaying students work from all courses within the university. The jigsaw pieces will have arrows at the corners of each shape showing the direction in which the person

should walk to their destination.  

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